Black Diamond

CHF 15.40

Content: 16 Sachets à 2,5g

Prices incl. VAT plus shipping costs

Product number: 23633
EAN: 7640150223633
Delivery Time: 3-5 working days
Sweet and balanced

The Darjeeling region in north-eastern India is a magical place nestled in the foothills of the Himalayas.

Our Black Diamond tea with its characteristic Darjeeling First Flush (Diamond SFTGFOP1 FF) is one of the most sought-after teas in the world. It is picked on the steep slopes of the traditional tea gardens; by experts who have many years of cultivation knowledge.

Darjeeling is a delicate and exceptionally aromatic tea made from two leaves and a bud. It tastes mild, with an unmistakably flowery, delicate and rich aroma. The infusion has a golden-yellow colour and smells pleasantly fresh.

A Darjeeling First Flush tea as it should be.

Ingredients: Darjeeling tea (black tea India). Contains no artificial flavouring.
Darjeeling Tee sollte bei einer Wassertemperatur von 95–98°C aufgebrüht werden.
Es ist ratsam, das abgekochte Wasser im Wasserkocher kurz stehen zu lassen, bevor Sie es in Ihre Teekanne oder Tasse giessen.

  • Ziehzeit: 2 – 3 Minuten

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