Blue Apple

CHF 14.50

Content: 16 Sachets à 2,5g

Prices incl. VAT plus shipping costs

Product number: 23480
EAN: 7640150223480
Delivery Time: 3-5 working days
Refreshing and calming

Blue Apple is a wonderful blend of delicate white tea, pieces of apple, ginger, lemongrass and delicate herbs. The interesting combination of refreshing components has a calming effect and is suitable for any time of the day. You can have Blue Apple tea at any time of the day and it goes perfectly with fish, vegetables, salads and many other dishes. Its taste is fragrant-floral, round and full.

Our Blue Apple tea is not only a hot tea, but it is also a delight for the palate when served cold or as an iced tea.

An excellent Chinese Bai Mudan (white tea) grown in the mountains of the Fuding region forms the basis for our Blue Apple. Only the bud and the two adjacent young leaves are extracted for this tea. The extremely careful processing guarantees a minimum of oxidation and thus optimum quality. The tea leaves are dried in the sun, heaped and then carefully baked until they are completely dry.

Ingredients: ginger, Bai Mu Dan (white tea, China), apple pieces, apple mint, lemon verbena, lemongrass, mallow flowers, spearmint, cinnamon. Contains no artificial flavouring.
Blue Apple Tee sollte bei einer Wassertemperatur von 90–95°C aufgebrüht werden.
Es ist ratsam, das abgekochte Wasser im Wasserkocher kurz stehen zu lassen, bevor Sie es in Ihre Teekanne oder Tasse giessen.

  • Ziehzeit: 5 – 7 Minuten

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