White Silver Needle

CHF 17.40

Content: 16 Sachets à 2g

Prices incl. VAT plus shipping costs

Product number: 23602
EAN: 7640150223602
Delivery Time: 3-5 working days
White Silver Needle tea is valued for its fine appearance, elegant sweetness and noble character. It is considered the king of white teas and the perfection of Chinese tea culture.

The Silver Needle tea, Chinese Baihao Yinzhen, is one of the rarest and most spectacular teas. The production of this tea accounts for less than 0.1% of the total teas produced in China.

As this tea is made exclusively from the valuable, fine leaf shoots, the tips, it is particularly valuable. The silvery, shimmering, needle-shaped, velvety tea leaves are picked by hand with the greatest care and gently dried in the sun. The harvest takes place in spring, as the first shoots are considered the finest to pick. Only a limited amount of Baihao Yinzhen reaches Europe each year. The infusion is very light, almost transparent and has a particularly delicate but expressive aroma. The Silver Needle tea can be infused several times; from the second infusion, it should be infused for a longer period of time.

Ingredients: White tea( China), Contains no artificial flavouring.

Weisser Silver-Needle sollte bei einer Wassertemperatur von 80-85°C aufgebrüht werden.
Es ist ratsam, das abgekochte Wasser im Wasserkocher kurz stehen zu lassen, bevor Sie es in Ihre Teekanne oder Tasse giessen.

  • Ziehzeit: 2- 3 Minuten

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