Dragon Pearls

CHF 15.40

Content: 16 Sachets à 2g

Prices incl. VAT plus shipping costs

Product number: 23619
EAN: 7640150223619
Delivery Time: 3-5 working days
Subtle and elegant

The green tea pearls of our Dragon Pearls tea are carefully rolled by hand and enriched with the delicate scent of jasmine blossoms. This is a unique pleasure!

Dragon Pearls are a rare jasmine tea speciality from the Fuding region in the Chinese province of Fujian. The process of making jasmine tea is lengthy and involves several steps: After harvesting, the tea leaves are stored in a special humidity-controlled room. Then, the jasmine flowers are added. Tea and jasmine are stored together for several hours before being separated again. Usually, this happens at night, as that is when the flowers are in bloom.

This process gives the tea the scent of jasmine and is repeated five to seven times, depending on the quality of the tea, before the product is rolled into small "dragon pearls" by hand. The strongly fragrant aroma of our Dragon Pearls tea is fresh and lasting, its taste is delicious and mild.

Ingredients: Green tea(China).

Dragon Pearls Tee sollte bei einer Wassertemperatur von 80–85°C aufgebrüht werden.
Es ist ratsam, das abgekochte Wasser im Wasserkocher kurz stehen zu lassen, bevor Sie es in Ihre Teekanne oder Tasse giessen.

  • Ziehzeit: 3 – 4 Minuten

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