Indian Chai

CHF 14.50

Content: 16 Sachets à 2,5g

Prices incl. VAT plus shipping costs

Product number: 23572
EAN: 7640150223572
Delivery Time: 3-5 working days
Original and exotic

Our traditional Indian Chai blend makes for a truly distinctive and original Chai experience.

Are you curious about foreign cultures, tastes and spices? Then travel to India. Or: Discover our chai tea at home! Turmeric, ajwain, cardamom, ginger, pepper and Assam Gold tea add something great to every cup of chai.

Sometimes it's enough to discover a new world with a cup of the best tea. The Chai Latte variant - with a little milk and sugar - has established itself on the menus of many trendy restaurants.

Assam tea is named after the Indian region of Assam where it is produced. It stretches across the south-eastern Himalayas and borders Bhutan and Bangladesh. Our Assam tea was picked in the famous gardens of the picturesque Brahmaputra Valley.

Ingredients: Assam tea (black tea, India), cardamom, ginger, fennel, turmeric, anise, ajwain, pepper, cinnamon, cloves. Contains no artificial flavouring.
Indian Chai Tee sollte bei einer Wassertemperatur von 95–100°C aufgebrüht werden.
Es ist ratsam, das abgekochte Wasser im Wasserkocher kurz stehen zu lassen, bevor Sie es in Ihre Teekanne oder Tasse giessen.

  • Ziehzeit: 5 – 7 Minuten

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